Category: Nikki Hunt’s Design Speak

Personalized Spaces Boost Mental Health

“Home as Medicine: How Personal Spaces Heal the Mind” Your home isn’t just a backdrop for daily life; it’s a powerful tool for mental health.

Why Beauty Matters in Design

Why Beauty Matters in Design: The Neuroscience Behind Aesthetics and Well-Being At a recent panel discussion during SidFest for Singapore Design Week, I was asked

Comfort not Clutter

Here’s my latest article published in Home & Decor: CLUTTER COMFORT: WHY YOUR ‘MESS’ MIGHT JUST BE YOUR BEST DESIGN DECISION “Celebrity interior designer Nikki

Hidden Dangers of Scented Candles

Did You Know? The Hidden Dangers of Scented Candles Many of us love the ambiance and fragrance that scented candles bring to our homes. However,

Let’s Talk About Indoor Air

Our homes should be a safe haven. But today, toxic air particles are all over our homes. It’s a shocking fact, but indoor air is

Pink Pandemonium!

The design world is buzzing with pink mania sparked by  #barbiethemovie. Here at Design Intervention we have always been partial to pop of pink. From